22.01.2008 · The Government

Outcome of the general election

The general election for the Parliament, løgtingið, was held Saturday the 19th of January 2008.

Below you can read the outcome in further detail:

Fólkaflokkurin (People’s Party): 6233 votes. 20,1%. 7 mandates. -0,5 percentage point

Sambandsflokkurin (Unionist Party): 6521 votes. 21,0%. 7 mandates. -2,7 percentage points

Javnaðarflokkurin (Social Democratic Party): 6016 votes. 19,4%. 6 mandates. -2,4 percentage points

Sjálvstýrisflokkurin (Independence Party): 2243 votes. 7,2%. 2 mandates. +2,6 percentage points

Tjóðveldi (Republican Party): 7238 votes. 23,3%. 8 mandates. +1,6 percentage points

Miðflokkurin (Centre Party): 2603 votes. 8,4%. 3 mandates. +3,2 percentage points

Miðnámsflokkurin (Students’ Party): 221 votes. 0,7%. 0 mandates.

The result of the recount will be ready on Thursday 24 of January.