Initially, the Faroe Islands were scheduled to host the Island Games in 2031. However, Ynys Môn will withdraw from organizing the Island Games 2027 and following a joint decision from the Ynys Môn IGA and the Executive Committee of the International Island Games Association, The Faroe Islands have declared their readiness to take on the Island Games 2027.
This multi-sport event will bring roughly 3.000 participants to the beautiful Faroe Islands in the Atlantic Ocean.
The chair of the International Island Games Association, Jorgen Pettersson, commends the ambitious decision in a situation that affects 24 Member Islands and sporting communities worldwide: ”The Faroe Islands have shown great responsibility and stepped in when another of our Member Islands faced challenges that could not be handled. This is the way the Island Games family works. We share success, and we share challenges”.
The next Island Games, number 20 since 1985, will be organized in Orkney in 2025. After the Faroe Islands 2027, the birthplace of the Games, the Isle of Man, is ready to host 2029.